Mind Your Desire...and this world will mind you.
With about a few days to go in 2015, can i remind you one or two
things on The power of Desires?
Desire is the elixir of our destiny.
Proverbs 23:7 readily comes to mind..."For as a man thinks in his
heart so is he..."
We live in a world of energies, a world of attraction where what you
send out determines what comes back to you.
Andrew Carnegie the great American industrialist, and the direct
mentor of Napoleon Hill once advised saying:
"Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasised, that is either
feared or revered will begin at once to
clothe itself in the most appropriate and convenient form available."
That is why ideas rule the world...
Once you can hold them in your mind, until, they are real to you at a
deep subconscious level they become clothed in reality.
Let's take a few practical steps...
1. Write it down or paint the picture on a paper or an electronic screen.
2. Look at it many times daily...especially in the dawn and before you
sleep at night.
By this you are impressing the image on your subconscious mind-the
seat of infinite intelligence and creative power.
3. Carry it around with you, preferably in your pocket.
This assists your goal to be your obsession.
4. Each time you read it...VISUALISE yourself in possession of that thing
5. Talk about it always...
There's an avalanche of creative power in our words...the more you
talk about what you want,
the more you set up vibrations to attract it to you. Talking about
it is a proof of your belief in its possibility.
6. Recognise that everything has a gestation period.
This is the time lag between conception and its physical
manifestation...rats take 2weeks, elephants almost 2years, man
Many choose to give up at this point because of the absence of
physical evidence....they do so too soon.
This is the law of attraction simplified, it works for anyone that
puts it to use...
You can be, have and do whatever you have always dreamt
nothing is impossible to him that believes.
I am waiting for your testimonies...
Thanks for always taking out time to read my posts since the beginning
of the year.
I hope I have been of a great service to you.
Nothing gives me more joy to see lives transformed!
Yours in unlimited flight,
*READ ALSO: Take Personal Inventory
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