All is not well at Real Madrid's dressing room

All isn't well at Real Madrid. After La Décima it seemed like little could go wrong, but Real Madrid always has to be a drama and rarely disappoints. The disaster of a match on Sunday which saw Real Madrid throw away a two goal lead and lose 4-2 against Real Sociedad has a story behind it and that's one of player power stirring, Florentino Perez attempting to put people in their place, and there being an uneasy peace.
Perez is correct to think that no player is bigger than Real Madrid but he needs to realise that of himself too. His favourites, his personal whims, his vanity, have all arguably had some impact on the football club and it may outweigh the good he's brought, which largely revolves around spending money. 
Cristiano Ronaldo made clear his unhappiness with the summer to the furthest extent he could yesterday, leaving the Spanish media in no doubt that if he were Real Madrid president then he'd have done things differently in the market.
"I have a very clear opinion, but I"m calculated and can't always say what I think because if I do, in morning I'm on the cover and I don't want that. 
"Each one has their opinion and is free to say what he thinks. If the president thinks it best to hire players and to let go those who went, have to respect and support his decision."
Sergio Ramos was later asked to comment on Ronaldo's stance and said everyone has their opinion but players have to abide by the laws of Real Madrid. There's little suggestion of a fall-out between those two but the media in Spain feel that Perez has used the summer to underline that he's boss.
Angel di Maria had not been desperate to go but when he was refused a well deserved pay hike, taking him into the club's top 8 paid players, and saw James Rodriguez signed on much more money, he had little option than to ask to leave a club which was clearly pushing him out.
Carlo Ancelotti's comments since about Di Maria moving for money won't have gone down well with players who are very sorry to see the back of the Argentine, especially Ronaldo. The comments also underline Ancelotti as something of a Perez puppet, albeit a very capable one.
All isn't well in the Real Madrid paradise.