The Mission of the Storm...

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I have always noted that Life is an interplay of divers seasons.
Deeply encrypted in these myriad seasons are the good, the bad and the ugly!
Some come to us as the sunshine in full strength...
While others come as heavy downpours of torrential rainfall; characterised by
clashing storms and horrible tempests!
However, nothing happens by accident or sheer coincidence.
It's always for a pre-determined purpose.
Like the stage artistes acting out a certain portion of a well written script, you are a person on a divine assignment.
So is the storm that has come uninvited to your life at this point of time.
Personally, I have realised that challenges of life unearth the latent potentials within us.
When we choose to run away from these stormy waters something valuable within us die...
Hence, many go through life unknown and unsung, they crawl into an unknown grave with their music still unsung!
They take their greatness unwrapped into the cemetery.
The dark sides of life come to reveal to us certain regions of life that we often overlook.
Many never discover other multiple streams of income until the messenger of misery come knocking them out of their jobs.
Some others never know the power of solitude until they are deserted by friends and loved ones.
A few others never know the sweet taste of outstanding success until they are face to face with threatening failure.
Many will never know how fast they could run until they are face to face with a ferocious dog!
Like the oyster, you can turn your pain into pearl!
Dear friend, there are acres of diamond buried under your feet awaiting your discovery.
My great mentor, Robin S. Sharma once quipped...'Awareness precedes Choices and Choices precede Results. '
When you become aware of the mission of the so called negativity of life,
your choice of maintaining a positive mental attitude as you walk through it will determine whether you are made or marred by it.
So get up today, stop whining, stop pitying yourself, stop asking 'why me?',
Access where you are now on the ladder of life and move on.
Never lose your personal power to anything or anyone....if you have it's to take it back!
Whatever it is you are going through is to make you better and not bitter...
It's to make you grow and not groan.
It's to make you stretch and not shrink!
Remember, the best form of revenge is massive success.
Get excited and motivated!
I believe I have served you well this week, it's my desire to see you succeed!
Have a lovely week.
Credit: Yinka Ekundayo


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