James J. Hill had a desire to build a great transcontinental Railway system in America through which he hoped to tap the vast resources of the underdeveloped western position of the United States. He had no money. He had no influential friends. He had only a desire but he was not idle. His imagination was always at work. As a telegraph worker, he would keep his  mind busily engaged while his hands rest on a telegraph key waiting for the ‘open line.’

He made the first step when he reduced his purpose to writing, omitting no detail. On a map of the United States, he sketched the course of his proposed railroad. He slept with that map under his pillow. He carried it with him wherever he went.

However, he met with temporary defeat when he first tried to raise the necessary capital to build the rail road but he continued his pursuit for the fulfillment of his dream until he turned defeat into victory by developing new plan and he did achieve his desire.

Napoleon Hill said that when a man really desires a thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his future on a single turn of event to get it, he is sure to win it. Never retire but refire to acqure your desires which you admire. Failing isn’t the worst thing in the world; quitting is. Champions are not those who never fail, they are those who never quit. You won’t drown by falling into the world, you drown by staying in there. Pursuit is simply the proof of desire.

Finally, any champion you see today is a product of challenges of yesterday, Pursue that dream of yours no matter the odds, you will get there.

See you at the Top!

Yours' Inspirationally,
