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 I ask myself why do Marriages of this age crash so fast as compared to what was obtainable in the olden days. The answer is Obvious, we live in  a "micro-wave age" and by this i mean an age where everybody wants things get done fast and quickly like the micro wave, in the process, they don't care who gets hurt, in as much as they achieve their goal.

Unconsciously, we have brought this and many more into the oldest institution on earth - Marriage. Couples are no longer Patient to endure, or learn from each other and help each other grow. At the inception, some couples just expect their partner to understand and conform with their lifestyle and when this is not forthcoming, those that can't manage it ends up in divorce.  (Micro-Wave Life).
So how do we Sustain our Marriage in the Midst of the Difference that exist between Spouse? The  Following i have listed will sure help:

   1. Never both be Angry at the same time
  2. If you have to criticize, do it lovingly
  3. Never bring mistakes of the past.

  4. Neglect the whole world rather than each other
  5. Never go to sleep with and argument unsettled.
  6. At least once every day, try to say one kind or complimentary word to your spouse.
  7. When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness
  8. Do not abuse each other in the event that you have misunderstanding
        9. Do not complain too much on each other’s mistake. Focus energy on Solution rather than spend time on complain

   10. It takes two for a quarrel to start; the one in the wrong is the one who does the most talking. Spouses should learn not to speak or vent anger at the same time. 

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