Find the benefit in whatever happens


 Find the benefit in whatever happens. Hope isn't optimism. It isn't putting a smiley face on everything, pretending that things are alright when they aren't. But there are some similarities, not least the propensity to look for the good in whatever happens to you. 

Higher hope people don't suddenly become hugely lucky. They do know how to increase their chances of success, but life -- as I've said before -- sometimes gives us things we weren't expecting and don't particularly like. If you take the approach that every experience is valuable, then you'll begin to see that your future desire has only been delayed a little longer, not that it's being denied you. 

This involves defining "failure" differently. The way higher hopers think reminds me of the story of the farmer who experiences a series of events that his neighbors automatically label as "good" or "bad." He, however, takes non-judgmental stance and lo and behold, circumstances show that this is the wise thing to do. So, when his son falls off his horse and breaks a leg the farmer makes no assessment of that as "bad" as his neighbors do. Because that accident turns out to be beneficial when soldiers come to conscript the young men from the village into the army....and the farmer's son can't go because his leg is broken.

 Train yourself to remain open and flexible to whatever happens in your life. Don't be so quick to label things. On the contrary, deliberately look for what the benefit might be -- that you learned something new about life or yourself; that you gained important experience that will stand you in good stead for the future; that, heck, it isn't meant to be just you have that wonderful anticipation and excitement to hold onto a little longer, before you achieve what you desire.

Above all, remember that "to hope" is to be always wondering -- with intense interest and excitement  about what is around the corner. If you had everything you could possibly want, you wouldn't need to hope. We can hope for knowing success, if it is seen as some progress toward your chosen goals--as grand or as simple as ones daydreams may be. We can hope because we're apparently meant to find the journey exhilarating, rather than only judge our worth by the destinations.
(Courtesy: OgeGod)

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