5 Reliable Ways to Start and Grow your Modelling Career

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Modeling is one aspect of fashion and lifestyle that I love so much. Some people are born models while some are made. Becoming a successful model requires a lot of hard work and more importantly discipline because it takes discipline to see food or chocolate or cake or pizza and not eat them all. There are different kinds of modeling; there are pageantry, runway, commercials, etc. The area you decide to tread will depend on your physique, passion and opportunity. This week, I will be sharing with you just five out of many tips on how to start and grow your modeling dreams.

- Decision
The first thing you need in order to pursue your dreams of becoming a super model and be recognized worldwide is decision. You must decide that this is what you want to do with your life. The journey to the top is not an easy one and success in this regard will not come easily. You are going to be tempted, scammed and played (if you are not careful). But in the midst of this, your decision is what will keep you going. So the big question is: Have you made up your mind to do this?

- You need an identity
There's difference between having an identity and building a brand. Building a sustainable modeling brand can take months or even years but building an identity doesn't take long. Building an identity involves an easily remembered and pronounced name, choosing the right kind of modeling that suits you, and selling yourself to your clients. In building an identity alot of things are required which includes; knowledge about the industry, a sincere approval from at least 20 people that you truly look like a model etc. Circumstances and life can also help to put you in the right kind of modeling that suits your person and you just have to flow with it when it does. So many people are busy wasting their time searching for pageantries that they may likely not win. If pageantry doesn't work out for you, please try another. You need to build an identity and stick to it except an undeniable opportunity arises in other aspects.

- Get a guide
A guide is simply someone who has more knowledge, insight and connection that can help take your modeling dreams forward. You don't necessarily need to be the one seeking for casting calls, a guide should help you with that. A guide can be a modeling agency, an agent, a coach or a manager. For instance, I do the scouting for the models under my management. This doesn't mean that they should walk away from other opportunities when they arise, but with a guide, they are sure to get at least one high paying gig per month. A guide can also be a modeling magazine, website that you can visit to get tips on how to grow and profit from your modeling dreams.

- Leverage to sell yourself

After you've successfully built a satisfactory identity the next step is to sell yourself. In selling, you have to leverage on everything you have. You must leverage on the power of the social media, as well as people in your circle of influence. Tell your friends to post about you at least once in a week. If you have ten friends who agree to do this, before you know it, you will be covering tons of magazines and pocketing some cool cash. In selling yourself you must overcome fear and self doubts and go out. Tell people about you and what you do. Any product not marketed may not be bought.

- Start a Campaign
Another way to grow your modeling career is to start a campaign on a project you have strong passion for. It could be a campaign on the girl child education, or taking kids off the street, or a campaign for a cleaner environment or a campaign against child abuse or rape. Choosing a sustainable campaign could be based on your personal experiences. If people don't accept your modeling career, they can't refuse a genuine campaign. A campaign is an easy way to give back to the society (like they call it), it can also help you to network with respected individuals and organizations in the society and can also help you to raise funds.

- Keep Your Dignity In place

Succeed You Must!

Credit: Johnspeak Uwangue
Motivational Speaker, Talent Manager and Coach.