5 Things To Look For In Potential Leaders

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Character and skill are essential for remarkable success, but not enough. Successful leaders develop others. When Successful people wants to breed a leader among their followers, they look out for those that have true leadership potentials. Below are 5 things Leaders look out for in determining who a potential leader is

The top 5 things to look for in potential leaders:

1. Stubbornness. Headstrong people may be hard to convince, but once you convince them, they’re stubborn in a good way.
Convince headstrong people that you’re helping them get where they want to go.
Gain the respect of stubborn people by standing up to them. Be respectful, but not a pushover.

2. Ego. The desire for greatness is healthy when focused on service. The more you serve, the more you enhance your worth. Healthy ego wants to make a difference. Look for people who want to matter.
Aspiration is a comfortable word for ego.
How would they make the world better if given the opportunity?

3. Frustration. The desire to change things often begins with frustration. Discontent expresses itself as aggravation. I’m not suggesting that you tolerate abuse.
Look for people with some heat in their hearts.

4. Teachability.
Know-it-alls have nowhere to go.
How do they take correction?
What are they currently learning?
What are they reading?
Who have they learned from in the past?
How have they changed their thinking?
What sparks their curiosity?
How many questions do they ask?

5. Busyness. If they aren’t busy now, you’ll end up pushing them later.
Why develop leaders:
Successful leaders understand the power of ‘with’. 
Self-development is the first development. But don’t shackle yourself by leading alone. Develop the people around you.
If you’re doing leadership alone, you aren’t doing it right.

What qualities do you want in potential leaders?
Which of the five qualities listed above seem most important? Why?
-(Source: Leadershipfreak)