Destiny Upgrade | By Olayinka Ekundayo

“And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.” 2 Kings 19:30

Welcome to the month of March- our month of mighty works by the application of divine wisdom…
This month we are looking at the theme: destiny upgrade.

What does it mean to upgrade?
To upgrade is to step up the quality of a thing. To make it better in quality…
To change to a higher gear as in a car
To replace a product with a new version of the same product e.g. telephone, electronics, car etc. e.g. 2017 model of Toyota Avensis.
To get a higher and better seat on board as in an aircraft; from the general cabin to the first class cabin.

Destiny upgrade happens when:
You step up in the quality of your life – moving up in quality of experience.
The speed of your life changes with divine acceleration. Stagnation is arrested and progress is established.
A better version of your life is evolving on a constant basis.
The crowd that surrounds your life changes, you move from having ordinary people around you to extraordinary and influential people.

Destiny upgrade is God’s plan for your life. 
God wants you to keep moving from glory to glory in life and destiny.
However, destiny upgrade happens when certain deliberate steps are taken.
Destiny upgrade is caused when we take some destiny steps.

Destiny upgrade never happens in the absence of the owner of that destiny. The journey of destiny upgrade begins with you!
There cannot be an upgrade in your life if you are not involved.
Only involved people can evolve in their destiny. When it comes to destiny upgrade, you must embrace personal development.
The result you command in life is proportional to the level of your personal development.
The results you command always trail your person; you cannot remain on the same spot and generate new results in life and destiny.

In Luke 5:36-38, Jesus gave the analogy of a new wine that must be put into new wineskin.   
The new wine represents the upgrade you desire in your life while the new wineskin is the new capacity that you must build.
It takes only new capacity to command a destiny upgrade in your life.
Your lifelong assignment is to become the person that can attract the upgrade you desire in your life and destiny.

Your thought pattern is what determines the flow of your life. Any limitation in your thought realm leads to actual limitation in your life.
See Romans 12:2. Refuse to conform to the mediocrity around, choose to be transformed instead! 
It’s been said rightly that there is no mountain anywhere; every man’s mountain is his ignorance.
When you know more, you can be more and do more!
Your knowledge base is your basis of life upgrade. Your knowledge is what gets you acknowledged in life.

Another major step into destiny upgrade is to mind your company. The crowd around you determines whether you will have an upgrade or downgrade in your life.
The power of association cannot be underestimated when it comes to success in life. 
“He that walks with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” Proverbs 13:20

A-grade students flock together while F-grade students keep company with one another. 
Like begets like in life…
The degree of upgrade you enjoy is a function of the quality of people in your life…you can’t company with chicken-minded crowd and end up on the mountain tops of life and destiny…your association determines your fire, it determines your flight also…

The quality of people you walk with determines your pace in life…if you must take giant steps in life you must walk with giants!
Where you end up tomorrow is a function of who you are sitting with today, you can choose to sit with titans or touts…the upgrade you enjoy cannot be the same!
Please note that wisdom which is the generator of mighty works in any field of life flows depending on the quality of circle of friends you keep…folly can also be transferred by virtue of your association.

Carefully investigate the quality of people you have in your life.
Are they adding value to your life or subtracting from you?
Are they teaching you to soar and roar or quenching your fire and bursting your dreams?
Weed your association of unwanted person(s)
When you notice someone is no longer adding to your upgrade, wisdom demands that you let go of such fellow.
No sentiments here…to manage an unneeded friend is to damage your own life. 
Deliberately bring people of value into your life… 
They may come as friends or peers. Sometimes, these people will come as mentors. Remember it is the wisdom of a protégé to seek an uncommon mentor. 
Mentors are feathers with which we fly in life. Mentors are ladders with which we attain greater heights destiny. Mentors are vehicles through whom we travel from our dreams into realities of fulfilment!
A Mentor helps you minimize your errors and maximize your focus, strengths and potentials in life. It is foolish to be mentor -less! 
So, do you have a mentor in your life?
Who is your mentor? 
How often do you learn from them?

Your future is great and you will get there in Jesus name. 
The path to destiny fulfilment is upgrade. Embrace the discipline of personal upgrade today and your life can never be the same.
You will succeed!
AUTHOR BIO: He is a Pastor, a Motivational Speaker, Leadership and career Coach, with several inspiring books to his credit.             He hol
ds a monthly Knowledge Impartation Programme for the Youth and Teens at the Conquerors Assembly, Akowonjo. Lagos. Connect with him by clicking on Facebook or email