Succeeding in Business Via Your Phone

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We all know that you can’t earn your commission until you make the sale. Furthermore, you can’t make the sale without the order, and you cant write the order until you have a product presentation scheduled. Finally, you can’t have a presentation until you make the infamous CALL to schedule the appointment.
As you see, it all traces back to the initial phone call. In order to fulfill your WHY and achieve all of your ultimate outcomes in life, you must be UNSTOPPABLE ON THE PHONE! Right now you need to ask yourself a very important question…. Am I the best I possibly could be on the phone? Your answer will determine your results! You must develop a friendship with your phone. I know it sounds crazy, but is true. When your phone becomes your best friend, you look forward to picking up the phone! Then, and only then, your future will change for the better.
One of the major keys is to practice your phone call script consistently in order to make it smooth to the point of your sounding like a Hollywood actor. Yes, I do mean you need to have a script and become fluent with this script. Many people say, “But I do not want to use a script because when I read a script a potential client/customer says that they can tell I am reading.” Guess what - If this is the case, then you have not practiced enough!
The best way to explain the effectiveness of a perfect script is to think of your favorite actor/actress and all of their award-winning performances. These performances that you love are SCRIPTED! Re-read that and internalize what that means. The Award winners are all script performers. You must make the mental decision right now to become an Emmy Award winner at your script.
In summary, you must completely look forward to picking up the phone and design your future through the results you experience by making the most effective phone call possible for your business – your future!