In the Fullness of Time...

'But when the fulness of  the  time was  come, God sent forth his  Son,  made of a  woman, made under the law' Gal 4: 4        

The  Bible  is  filled  with  phrases  like  'fullness  of  time',  'set  time',  'end  time',  appointed  time' etc.  When exactly is this fullness of time? Today's text offers us some clues. 
1.  It  is  when  an  era  or  dispensation  comes  to  an  end.  For  instance,  Jesus  was  said  to  have come at  the  fullness  of  time,  because  He  came  when  the  dispensation  of  the  Old  Testament ended  and  the  New  Testament  started.  Nothing  remains  the  same  forever.  No  matter  what you  are  passing  through  right  now,  refuse  to  give  up  or  throw  in  the  towel  because  its fullness of time will surely come. 
2.  It  is  when  things  mature.  For  example,  natural  fruits  have  maturation  period.  A  pregnant lady  has  an  estimated  date  of  delivery  (EDD)  in  mind.  Even  things  we  don't  know  their  EDD have  a  terminal  end  someday.  Always  keep  a  relaxed  and  calm  mien  over  things  you  still believe  God  for  because  there  is  surely  a  fullness  of  time  for  them.  God  may  not  reveal  such timing  to  you  but  it  will  not  overstay  the  time  boundary  set  by  God.  Remember,  if  it  is  God's set  time, it  won't arrive a second earlier or later than what God has pre-determined. 
3.  It  is  when  things  happen  without  sweat,  struggle  or  lots  of  effort.  If  it  is  not  time,  it  is  not fine. Anytime that is allowed to be till God's appointed time or fullness of time will surely come to pass. Please Learn: 
*God does not wait on time, time waits on Him because He operates outside of the realm of time and space; the set time therefore is when you are set, not when God is set. 
*The best way to relate with God's timing is to follow God with eternity in mind, not human 24-hour clock.
*Faith  can  fast-forward  fullness  of  time  because  faith  is  NOW!  Not  later.  The  fastest  way  to get  Heaven to respond to you is to operate by faith.'  all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come'   Job 14:14b                            

Today's  text  is  both  revealing  and  refreshing on God's dealing with man regarding times and seasons.  If  there  is  such  a  thing  as  divine  fullness  of  time,  then  I  don't  need  to  fret  or  freak out  while  waiting  for  God's  fullness  of  time  in  my  life.  Like  Brother  Job,  I  would  rather  wait till  my  change  comes.  The interesting  thing  about God and divine timing is,  once you submit your life  to  God and leave things in His hands, your waiting time become 'times of refreshing from the Lord' ( see Acts 3: 29). Shalom