Beware Of 'Praise-Singers'

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'But they cried out,  Away with him, away with him, crucify  him.  Pilate  saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King?'   John 19:1

Do  you  remember  the  day  Jesus  rode  into  Jerusalem  on  a  donkey?  The  Bible  says  a  huge crowd poured out from all the nooks and crannies of the city of  Jerusalem to  welcome Jesus with a loud shout of 'Hosanna'! Surprisingly,  five  days  after  His  arrival  in  Jerusalem;  The  same  crowd  in  Jerusalem  that shouted  'Hosanna  soon  turned  against  Him  and  shouted  crucify  Him.  What  a  crowd  of double-speaks!  

But  isn't  that  what  people  are  doing  all  over  the  world  today?  For  instance, when a new president of a  nation comes to power, many people will shout his/her praise to the  highest  heavens. Surprisingly,  before the end of  his/her first  term,  the  same people that showered praises turn around to call for impeachment! 

The object lesson from today's text is, never be fooled or deceived by what people are saying today because human beings are the most unreliable creatures on earth. 
The heart of man is deceitful  above  all  things,  and  desperately  wicked:  who  can  know  it?  (Jer  17:9).  
Yes,  love  all people  with  the  love  of  Christ  but  refuse  to  fall  prey  into  the  hands  of  your  acquaintances. Make  no  one  your  source  or  supplier,  that's  where  problems  normally  start.  The  moment you make human beings your source or god, God will leave you to yourself. 

Mathew 10:17 reminds us to beware of men...It is  better to go solo than follow the company of sycophants and men pleasers. People  who  love  commendation  and  applause  are  often  the  first  victim  of  mischief makers and character assassins. If God is with you, don't bother who is against you and if God is present in your show, it doesn't matter who is absent. Shalom! See you at the top