“As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” Daniel 1:17
“For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6

Welcome to a new month of October. This is our season of undeniable signs and wonders. As teenagers and young people, we are destined to become academic signs and wonders. 
However, every divine possibility places on us human responsibility.
Bishop David Oyedepo once remarked that ‘for every rise there is a price!’
Wishing for academic exploits is useless without any corresponding disciplined effort. There are things you must do to arrive at becoming a top notch student.

What does it mean to be top notch?
a. To be of high and optimum grade
b. To be of excellent class
c. To be outstanding in performance and results.
d. It is to be a reference point or bench mark for greatness
e. To be unprecedented in your results and achievements.

  In order to end up as a top notch student therefore, there’s a pathway to follow.
Remember it is the way you follow that determines where you end in life.
Daniel was a topnotch individual that stood out in his field. A major secret of Daniel is the force of Decision.
“But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank…” Daniel 1:8
Daniel was a man of right decisions per time; hence he ended up in distinction. In Daniel 6:3, it was said of him that:
‘Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.’
Daniel began in decision and ended up in distinction. That can be your story too.
If becoming topnotch is your goal then a strong decision must be your pathway to arrive there. 
This force of decision must affect quite a number of things in your life.
a. The decision to study and stick to your study time, distractions notwithstanding.
b. The decision to company with only those going in your direction in your pursuit for becoming topnotch.
c. The decision to beat your previous records in your academics by going the extra mile every time.
One distinguishing characteristic of topnotch students is attention to details.
Take note of the following points:
-It takes diligence to pay attention to details.
-Great differences in results, achievements and personalities are made out of little details. Little wonder, little hinges swing big doors.
-Students are the same in some respect but differ in the area of details, hence the difference in their quality of results.
 -Examinations are failed or passed depending on the availability of details in the answers supplied by the students.
Examiners are not after the answers you supplied as it were but in the details provided. 
Average students remain so because they overlook the little details in their academics while the topnotch students emerge as super stars because of their attention to details. The manner in which you conduct yourself determines to what extent you will matter in life. Attention to details affects the way you write your notes, do your assignments, study and revise for a test or exam. It also affects the way you dress to school as a student.
Have you ever wondered why aircraft can fly in the air and land successfully without any issue despite the fact there are no mechanics in the air?
I once heard that a pilot has a list of almost 30 things on his checklist that must be ticked before he lifts the aircraft from the ground.
That is attention to details!
If you too must fly higher than your current level academically, you must pay utmost attention to details.
Have you noticed that students get different grades in their examinations as a result of the quality of information supplied?
The student that gets an A-grade result supplies A-quality information while the F-grade student supplies F-quality information. The information supplied by each student determines their ultimate results. You are limited to the level of your information per time. A top notch student has quality information at his disposal.
Daniel the man of excellence was a man of books (information), Daniel 9:2
Paul the apostle too was a man of books, 2 Timothy 4:13. Great individuals in our contemporary times are also men of great books- they have a strong drive for the right information. An uninformed mind is a bankrupt mind.
It’s time to pursue information in the area of your calling and assignments, in the area of your academics and biographies of great men whose lives you adore.
‘He that walks with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.’ Proverbs 13:20
‘Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.’ Proverbs 27:17
Association determines distinction
Who surrounds you determines the quality of your results as a student-distinction or failure. A-grade students flock together while F-grade student hang out together too.  Eagles don’t flock with vultures. Lions don’t also flock with hyenas. Students at the top relate with top-minded fellows.
Association determines acceleration
Who you have in your life determines the speed of your life. Some people are weights that will reduce your speed and make you drag your feet in life.
Association also determines decision
The people around you determine the quality of choices you make in life. Do they inspire you to become your best in life?
Association also determines destination
Who stands around you determines where you will end in life. If you company with a lazy fellow you can’t end up at the throne.
Never follow a person who doesn’t know where he’s going in life.

In Conclusion, it’s time to change your level by taking deliberate steps following the pathway to excellence in life and in your academics.                                                                                                                          
AUTHOR BIO: He is a Pastor, a Motivational Speaker, Leadership and career Coach, He holds a monthly Knowledge Impactation Programme for the Youth and Teens at the Conquerors Assembly, Akowonjo. Lagos. Connect with him by clicking on Facebook or email