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'The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth
not how to go to the city.' Eccl 10:15
Conceptually, labour refers to the aggregate of all human physical and mental effort used in creation of goods and services. Labor is a primary factor of production and its reward is Salary/Wages

Basically, i would like to explain five kinds of labour that we have according to 'Fresh manna' . They are:

1. Stolen Labour 2.Diverted Labour 3.Polluted Labour 4.Unprofitable Labour
5.Profitable Labour

This is when someone labours and thieves come to steal away the proceeds of his/her labour. Stolen labour is very painful. If you have ever fallen victim of armed robbery before, you will probably appreciate the pain and frustration one feels when the legitimate proceeds of your labour are carted away at gun points or by violence. May this not be your portion in Jesus name. 'They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat.' Isaiah 65:22a

Diverted labour is when your labour is deliberately or mistakenly given to another. This happens quite often, especially in organisations where official conspiracies and sharp practices are rampart. We have heard where the legitimate winner of a keenly contested elections is denied his mandate and the conspirators divert it to another.
When next you are gathering anything by hard work or labour, pray against forces that divert the proceeds of your labour to someone else because a labourer is worthy of his wages' says Jesus in Luke 10: 7.

Polluted labour is another word for poisoned labour. I guess you have heard or seen people that laboured so much, only to bring in a harvest that brought sickness, sorrows and troubles. The labour yielded quite well but the proceeds or fruits of their labour are poisoned.

A case in scripture was when a young farmer went out to gather some vegetables to make dinner for Prophet Elisha and the sons of the prophet. While they were eating they suddenly began to react to the poisonous effect of the meal. In fact, were it not the timely
intervention of God's Prophet (Elisha), they would have all died. 
As soon as they began to shout ' O man of God, there is death in the pot' (2Kings 4:40) he performed a miracle to revert the poison.

Have you ever laboured so hard and at the end of a given period or time, you did the maths and found out that you didn't make any profit? That was what befell 'Peter and sons fishing company Ltd' in today's text. These professional fishermen toiled all night and at the end of the laborious outing, they made not a single catch! 
I used to wonder anytime I read this text,
why couldn't they even catch some fingerlings and shallow water sea creatures like crayfish? That's exactly what happens whenever someone falls victim of unprofitable labour.

Please Learn:
-Anytime your input into a deal is more than your output, the spirit of unprofitable labour is at work!
-In every labour, there is profit' Prov 14:23 no matter how well laid out your business plans or execution is, the unexpected could still happen.
This is where God comes in to help you overcome all unforeseen and unexpected obstacles to your miracle. Like Peter, have you also laboured all night and taken nothing? Why not call upon the same Jesus that helped Peter?

This is the ultimate expectation of every labour to make profit. Only a fool keeps sowing and sowing year in year out without a harvest in mind. Virtually all the parables of Jesus were drawn from agricultural settings; most of them had to do with sowing and reaping. Please never labour without an expected harvest in mind. Any enterprise that has no visible or predictable profit should be closed down, says Luke 19:13 – 16. In this parable, a vineyard
owner had planted some crops and came back after some years to seek fruits on it.
Surprisingly, there were no fruits. Out of anger, he ordered his vine dresser to cut them down. But on a second thought they both reasoned that the viruses be given a second chance with further manure and care up to the third and fourth year. Thereafter, if they still fail to yield fruit, they should be cut down.

LESSON: Any business you plant should be allowed at least four years grace to break even. If it fails to after four years you may need to discontinue. Shalom!

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