Activating Your Thought Evolution

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Do you realise most of us in reality grossly underrate our true power and potential as human beings? We grossly under utilise our true capacities and capabilities. Hardly do we take the time to really conduct a study on humans and what humans are truly capable of. Perhaps this study may not even be necessary, all we need do is take a look around and see all the powerful and complex inventions mankind has created and developed over time and you'll surely agree that yes, the mind of mankind is truly the most powerful force on earth.

Dear friend, all men are created equal, the differences in our results is basically a function of how much we learn, how much we know, how committed we are and how far we're willing to go in life. The inventors of the aeroplane, warships, computers, television, cell phones, spaceships and powerful earth moving machines are normal human beings just like you. The founders of the biggest businesses in the world with trans-generational growth success are normal human beings like you. The only difference however, is in what you choose to learn, what you choose to know, what you choose to believe, what you choose to do and your courage to follow through.

Let me share an interesting fact with you, did you know all your body cells are 100% replaced every seven years? What this means is that every seven years, you're a brand new person, whom you used to be physically is 100% gone and replaced. This means every seven years nothing that used to be in your body remains, old things have passed away in your body, behold, everything has become new. The new you emerges and the old you diminishes as you daily indulge in the habit of eating and drinking what is right. What you consume, digest and assimilate activates you power for self-recreation bodily.

The sad thing is, many of us retain archaic and old ways of thinking and experiences in our new bodies. We do not acquire brand new minds every seven years as we acquire brand new bodies, hence our bodies are doing better in life than our minds. Unfortunately, the mind is more important and powerful than the body in this life.

Dear friend, I assure you there is no perfect and conducive environment for growth and prosperity for anyone today and at any time through history. People don't succeed because all the conditions were set right and perfect, people don't succeed based on perfect socio economic conditions, people succeed because they use the power of their minds to overcome limitations and manufacture their own success irrespective of what's going on around them and in the world.

Let me say this, the world is too massive and complex and full of too many powerful people with selfish and desperate interests for you to insist all conditions must be set to favour only you so that you can achieve your dreams. Dear friend, wake up and smell the coffee, it will never happen. You must decide to take on life today as it is, not as you want or wish it because be sure, the conditions would never be set in your favour by everyone concerned; the system is too powerful and way beyond you. Your table will always be set in the presence of your enemies. The onus is then on you to create your own life within the system. This is simply achievable by focusing and concentrating only on what you want and ignoring the things you do not want.

The law of concentration says anything you focus on grows in your reality. You actually evolve in the direction of your dominant thought. To illustrate, that man, that lady whom today has become your lover and life partner was once upon a time probably a total stranger. But today, should anyone take him or her away from you, you would fight with every energy and resource you have. How did this occur? One day you met this total stranger, you spoke and from that moment you retained the person's identity and the experience in your mind. With time you began to meditate and think frequently about the person, your thoughts were dominantly on this person; seven billion people on earth, you concentrated your thoughts on this one person with the hope and expectation this person would become your life partner. Based on this thinking and expectations you did some necessary things and today, what used to be a thought is now your reality.

To have anything in your life for real, you create the possibility in your mind first, then concentrate your thoughts on how it can be possible, If you do, you'll just suddenly discover the opportunities for the possibility becomes obvious and conspicuous; you'll start seeing the ‘how' all around you and if you're not distracted, it will eventually become real in your life. Your place of employment today, the biggest institutions, businesses and even nations once upon a time was just a thought in the mind of someone.

Dear friend, you can become anything you want and desire in life by simply concentrating your thoughts and channelling your energy, attitude and actions towards achieving it.   

The more you dwell and focus on the person you'd like to be, with the qualities you'd like to have, the more you implant the qualities deep into your subconscious, and if you think long and hard enough about what you want, you'd get it. This is a gift, a natural capacity all humans have but very few make use of. The power to create what you want through what you think is a natural gift we all possess.

As a human being, you evolve in the direction of your dominant thought. Your life today is a manifestation of all your dominant thoughts at different times in your life. It is impossible to act on what you don't think about. You only act on what you have thought about and considered, and of course, your actions delivered your results today.

Dear friend, what you habitually think about eventually becomes a part of your character and personality. The way you think about yourself, the way you think about your environment, the way you think about people, the way you think about life generally determines your attitude towards all these.

Your thinking influences your character and personality and consequently your outcomes and results. As humans we act in cognisance with what we believe. You don't invest time, energy and effort in what you don't believe in.

As an individual, what you want determines what you do and don't do and your attitude whilst you're at it. If your dream is to become the greatest footballer to come out of Africa for example, you won't be spending time on a hockey field. If you're truly interested in getting married to a very smart, intelligent, ambitious, vision driven and productive young man, you won't be wasting time in groups, associations, fellowships or congregations where you're way smarter than all the guys there.

If you're truly passionate about becoming the managing director of a massive company or building a world class business, you won't be spending most of your time watching entertainment and sports channels, its common sense to focus on all that will make your desire a possibility.

What you want attracts you and distracts you from that which you do not. You can't focus on studying English and graduate as an expert in French language. You can't spend your years studying architecture at the university and graduate as a medical expert.

You can't spend half of your week watching the games, discussing politics, chasing women, hunting for men, lounging, clubbing, attend religious programs every day of the week and suddenly build a multi-billion naira business or become the managing director-CEO of a multimillion dollar bank.

We all have evolved into what we concentrated our thoughts and time on the most. That's the way life is.

There is no environment that relieves you of all responsibilities and you become rich and successful. Stop waiting for things to get better, stop waiting for improved power supply, better roads, stronger foreign exchange and a corruption free society, start doing something with your life today, you're getting old o.

Dear friend, activate your self-manufacturing system, use your mind, concentrate on what you want, shun all the distractions and discouraging factors, when you focus and concentrate long enough, you will see the opportunities have always been there you just didn't realise.

Think thoughts consistent with the kind of person you want to be and you'd be it. Dear friend, activate your thought evolution. -(Credit: Muyiwa Afolabi)