Security & Safety: How To Use Fire Extinguisher Effectively

First of all, all fire extinguishers you see are not the same. Fire extinguishers are classified into different grades by type of extinguisher materials they contain. This explains the nature of fire which each type of fire extinguisher could be used for. Therefore, the fire extinguisher in your home may not be the same with the extinguisher in your office, car, factories or public places. This is how fire extinguishers are classified;
  • Class A Fire Extinguishers: These types of fire extinguishers are most appropriate for fires from clothes, wood, plastics or rubbers as well as paper. You can see that these are the common combustible materials found in homes. This type of Class A fire extinguisher contains about two and half gallons of pressurized water which is about 9.46 litres of pressurized water. This type of fire extinguisher is seen at homes or civil offices as they are most ideal for effective safety and security against fire outbreaks in such environment.
  • Class B Fire Extinguishers: These types of fire extinguishers contain dry chemicals as their extinguishing agent. They are most appropriate for extinguishing fires caused by grease, fuel and other oil-based fire outbreaks. For effective and safe management of fire outbreaks, any such fire extinguisher that contains dry chemicals of less than 2.72 kg are not recommended. Such fire extinguishers are most appropriate for small vehicles and other minor industries with oil-based applications.
  • Class C Fire Extinguishers: Security threats from electrical fires are best managed by this class of fire extinguisher. The latter usually contain chemical compounds such as FM200, which replaced the former Halon 1211 and 1301. The Halon chemical compound are known as a green house gas (depletes the ozone layer), which is why its use was discontinued and termed illegal in most countries of the world. Electrical fires are very dangerous and could occur everywhere. They pose one of the greatest challenges to both personal and public security of lives and property. Therefore, where you see other typed of fire extinguishers, you could also see the Class C type stationed alongside and used in combination with other types of fire extinguishers.
  • Class D Fire Extinguishers: For special fires caused by water-reactive metals like magnesium and other metalloids, you can only extinguish such fires by using the Class D Extinguishers. The extinguishing material is in form of powder and works on application by covering the entire burning material. Special chemical factories that use water-reactive metals are common users of the Class D type of fore extinguishers. Obviously, they are the only security against stubborn fires emanating from special metals like magnesium and water-reactive calcium.
  • Class K Fire Extinguishers: Sometimes, animal and vegetable fats can cause serious fire outbreaks and other security issues. The Class D Fire Extinguisher contains special wet chemical agents that extinguishes such fires effectively.
Let us note here that for the most effective results of fire safety management, you are advised to use different classes of fire extinguishers in combination as fire sources could be more than one type. However, there is an all-purpose ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher which contains up to 10lb/4.5kg of extinguishing chemical agent. This is most rampant in the open market and is most commonly used since sources of most fire outbreaks are difficult to ascertain.

Steps on How to Use The Fire Extinguisher

Now that you have learnt the different types or classes of fire extinguishers, you are ready to learn the procedures involved in using a fire extinguisher for maximum and effective fire safety and management. Nearly all fire extinguisher has a safety pin affixed near the handle. This pin which is usually red in color is concealed under a plastic seal and appears like a plastic or metal ring. In times of fire safety breach or outbreak, this seal must be broken to reveal the safety pin, which is pulled away before the fire extinguisher could be used. Let me remind you here that the nature and source of the fire shall determine the type or class of fire extinguisher to be used.

Safety Steps on Use of Fire Extinguisher:

Read And Familiarize with Operational Manuals: As soon as you purchase your fire extinguisher, read the operational manuals carefully and digest it very well. Learn about its special features and other details provided. You must know how to use the fire extinguisher very well before attempting to use it during any fire incident. This is the best safety measure but unfortunately, most Nigerians do not read operational manuals of equipment or machinery in their custody.
Never Panic: During any fire outbreak, always remember never to panic. Be firm, quick and calculative in your assessment of the fire and its source. If you give in to panic, you will most probably miss important safety or security details which may help you to effectively manage the fire. Nigerians easily give in to panic during emergencies which undermines their individual and collective security.
Ensure Personal Security And Escape Route: In your assessment of the fire, ensure that you have an assured secured escape route, just incase something goes wrong. Your safety is the primary essence of all safety and security practices employed.
Call The Authorities Before Attempting to Fight the Fire: Using a fire extinguisher is like administering a first aid. It is a preemptive measure to checkmate any fire safety breach. However, contacting security or safety authorities before beginning to put out any fire will help you concentrate, knowing that help is on the way.
Use The P.A.S.S. Protocol: This is the procedure for using a fire extinguisher. P.A.S.S. simply means pull, aim, squeeze and sweep. Pulling the safety pin has been explained earlier. Once the safety pin has been pulled away or retrieved, the fire extinguisher is ready to discharge by the press of a lever. Aim your extinguisher at the base or source of the fire. This is the actual burning material where the fire emanates from. Aiming at the root of the fire will ensure that the fire is taken out effectively, completely and within a short time frame.
Then you squeeze the lever handle to release the extinguisher content. As you discharge the extinguishing agent, gradually sweep the contents across the fire from approximately 6 inches to some centimeters to cover the fire. This move ensures that the fire is put out very well. Please note that while putting out the fire, the latter may flare up momentarily. Do not be alarmed as what happens is that the flames from the fire is being pushed away from the fire source. This phenomenon also subsides as fast as it occurred.
Remove All Flammable And Clean Up Area: After successfully extinguishing the fire, make sure you remove all possible flammables as sometimes, fire may reignite without warning. Afterwards, commence clean up of the environment.
You must have now learned how to use a fire extinguisher to effectively maintain your safety and security against any form of fire outbreak. Do not keep this information to yourself. Share with friends on the social media and teach your entire household. It will definitely prove useful to them someday. However, your ideas, comments and contributions are welcome in the comment box below.
Courtesy: SafeandSecurenigeria