There is a always a certain day in the life of every mortal.
A certain day it is that turns his life around!
It's a day that marks a new beginning of a world of possibilities.
A day that hesistancy gives way at the frequency of timely informed decision.
A day of clear directions of what to pursue and not to pursue with one's alloted time.
It's a day you choose to tell yourself the truth...
Others may deceive you just to please you but deceiving yourself is a monumental loss.
The day I talked to myself about three things...yes just three key issues...

1. That my life without God will be soon gone like a vapour.
My destiny is God's intention for my life before any other thing...
How can I birth His intention without a firsthand knowledge of Him?
So I must choose to know Him on a daily basis...drawing closer by choice to His secret place.
What can a creature amount to when his creator is not in the equation of his life?
So I told myself that day...I will forever need God like the fish needs water!

2. That my life is not a dressed rehearsal!
My days have been prefixed by my creator...
The future comes in measure of today.
What I choose to do or not do with each day will eventually impact my tomorrow.
So I said to myself...Life is once, there's no rehearsal involved...
I am the Star of the movie of my life, I can decide to make it a hit or a flop!
It's all my decision to see life as a dressed rehearsal or the real performance. 

3. That anyone or anything not going my direction is not worthy of my attention!
This is a very huge one.
Life will bring many people into your life but you will decide who stays through your attitudes.
The company you keep determines what will accompany you eventually.
The friendship you choose will determine the ship you will travel with.
We always rise or fall to the quality of the conversation in our lives.
Surrounding yourself with flakes only makes you one in no time.
Surrounding yourself with titans and game changers is your best decision ever.
So i told myself any one not going my direction cannot get my attention.
Remember what gets your attention fixes your direction and becomes your attraction.
Any habit or attitude that gives me immediate satisfaction
but leaves me with long term pain is not worth I told myself!

Dear friend, one major secret of champions and peak performers is auto suggestion.
The art of talking to oneself. How do you fare in this? No one knows me more than I do!
What are you telling yourself today?
Good morning,
Yours in enviable flight,