Motivation Today - The Power of Now...

There are three realms in time as it applies to mankind, 
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow! 
Yesterday which represents the Past is a cashed cheque, 
Tomorrow is a promissory note, 
Today is the only cash at hand. 
Yesterday is in the tomb, 
Tomorrow is in the womb, 
While Today is in your hand... 
Nobody has a guarantee for's only today we all have. 
How we use it however determines what becomes of your lot tomorrow. 
Many people over estimate the power of tomorrow and underestimate the 
power of Now... 
God wants to intervene in your life today not someday! 

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for... 
Now is the day of salvation and divine intervention. 
Now it shall be revealed! 
Cast your mind back over 2000 years ago, when the best of gift of God 
to mankind was crucified at Calvary. 
Remember, the Son of God was crucified in between two thieves... 
God's best gift to mankind today after Jesus Christ is the gift of Now... 
Like Jesus, your Now is straddled between two thieves- Yesterday and Tomorrow. 

Dear friend, how has the disappointment of yesterday stolen your 
peace, success and blessings today? 
Or how has the worry of Tomorrow strangulated your joy of the Now? 
Never allow the thieves of the Past and Future rob you of the power of Now... 
It's your day to decide to embrace and wield the power of Now! 

Your friend in the race of destiny.. 