LETTER TO THE MEN: Involving Your Spouse in Your Finances.

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I have noticed many men make this mistake. They keep their wives completely out of their financial affairs. They don’t share with them regularly their financial situation. The excuse is that once the woman knows the state of things, there would be the tendency to want to force the husband to spend everything on them.

Truth be told, some women from personal observations do allow themselves to be used of the devil, their aim is to drain their husband until nothing is left. This happens especially where the woman married the man for material reasons, or she perceive unfaithfulness in financial matters from an erring husband who wouldn't listen to advice.

Aside from the above explanation, experience has shown that, most women would gladly support their man, if he is open to them financially. She knows the financial ability, so she will know how to make demands within the finances

Fellow Men: If the woman in your life is your real wife, she would want you to succeed. There is a reason God has given you your wife and even if your wife is not up to the standard you desire, it is your God-ordained responsibility that you bring her up to the level where she can match you in terms of mental development. Many wife had prevented their husband several times from making costly financial mistakes. God has blessed women with sensitive antennae to sense danger from afar. In most cases they may not be able to explain it, but they know when danger lurks. And it is in the interest of any man to listen to his wife when she is making suggestions. She may save you from unnecessary heartache and from committing avoidable financial suicide.

Informed millionaires don’t sidestep their spouses; they take them along when they are taking major financial decisions. So i urge you to involve your wife the more in your finances and see the good fortune you will role into. Remember, one will chase a thousand, but two will chase ten thousands, that's the power of Synergy, Wouldn't you you let that reign in your home?

Yours Inspirationally,
