Character development Versus Destiny Fulfillment

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Brian Tracy in one of his books on leadership elucidated on Character and Self control.
He reiterated that Character requires the self-mastery, self-control, and self-discipline of delayed gratification. It also means that you never seek out something for nothing, easy money, or quick riches. Character requires that you are willing to suffer ‘short term pain for long-term gain,” rather than the more common practice of short term gain for long-term pain. In fact, Character is the real you when nobody is around

Many years ago, a wise businessman, Albert Grey, after 13years of study, concluded that “successful people were those who made a habit of doing the things that failures didn’t like to do.” And what were those things that failures didn’t like to do? Well, they turned out to be the same things that successful people didn’t like to do either, but successful people did them anyway because they knew they were part of the price of success.

Denis Waitley said, Successful people do what is goal-achieving; failures do what is stress-living.” The good news is that character is like any discipline. The more you practice it, the sooner it becomes a permanent part of your personality. Consider the following saying:

“Sow a thought and you reap an action; Sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a Character; Sow a character and you reap a Destiny.”

Fortunately, you are always free to choose. Your character today is the sum total of all your past choices and decisions. You can change your future because you can choose to change your actions today. You can make new choices and better decisions.

You can become an exemplary leader and an excellent person by simply going to work on yourself, by committing to live in truth and demonstrating character in everything you do, with everyone you meet.

On a final note; the effect on Character on destiny fulfillment cannot be overemphasized. You can climb up to the top through any means, but what will sustain the man at the top is his Character.   Cheers!