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John Mason once said, “Determine what you really want & what God wants for you.
This will keep you from chasing butterflies & put you to work digging for diamonds.”
In other words, we need to major on the things that are most productive in our lives.
We should not major on minors. We all have limited amounts of time, money and resources to invest in anything.

Rev. Sam Adeyemi, a renowned Man of God and a Success Coach remarked passionately, that, 'the devil’s strategy is to make us waste our energy and perhaps time by doing too many things at the same time. Focus is a key to our success in any area of pursuit. When we concentrate our resources on our best  opportunities, success is inevitable, he Said.'

 So, do not let the past take up too much of your time. The past is past.
 Do not even let the future take up too much of your mind through apprehension and worry.
 Do something with today. Concentrate on one thing at a time.

 The person who begins too many things accomplishes too little.
 Starting little fires all over the place cannot create enough fire in your heart. It will lack  concentration and devoid of its power.

 Therefore, i exhort you, engage in a single task per time today, focus your energy on it, refuse to be     jack of all trade and master of non, draw inspiration to persevere in the midst of any failure

 With persistent action, your desires eventually become your realities.

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