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Ross Perot, an American Multi-billionaire and a Texas Entrepreneur, was once asked the secret of his wealth, he said, “what I can do for this country is to create jobs; I’m pretty good at that and the Lord knows we need them.

Generally, Success doesn’t answer to the consumer, it answers to the sower or Contributors.  The more value you contribute, the more you will earn.

Your reward in life is dependent on the problem you solve for someone else and if you are willing to contribute to the progress of people around you.

Elbert Hubbard said, “People who never do any more than they get paid for, never get paid for any more than they do”. While Anthony Robin expound this by saying,  ‘The single most important way to expand your income is to device a way to consistently add real value to people’s lives and you will prosper.’

How rich you will be is majorly a function of how much you produce because money as a means of exchange is only given to you in exchange of the goods or services you produce, contributed or offer to someone else who needs it.

So, i challenge you today, contribute to someone’s life. Sow that seed today, so as to enjoy profit tomorrow. Remember, when that thing in your hand is too small to be a harvest, make it a seed. See you at the top. Shalom!

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