Start by observing how and when you put yourself down. Let’s be honest, there are enough people in the world, unfortunately, who will put us down without us helping them to do it with self-criticism. Throughout your day, take a moment to breathe. It’s as simple as remembering to take a deep breath. By doing so, you are giving a command to your mind to relax. The more you relax, the more you’ll begin to observe your self-talk. When you observe yourself being self-critical, stop. Change your mind.
Our minds are actually wired to explore new things. That is great news for those of us who want to grow, expand, and embrace our own genius! Yes, we are wired to learn and integrate new information and experiences in every moment. So how do we reconnect with that aspect of ourselves that often gets forgotten? By remembering that an open mind brings you joy, and a closed mind brings you, well, very little.
The mind is also wired to ignore negatives. That is why if you ever say to yourself “Don’t eat that cake tonight!” and find yourself eating it anyway, it is because your mind has deleted the negative (“don’t”) and registers only “Eat that cake tonight!” Your unconscious accepts the command and ensures that you eat that cake! This is valuable information to have, because when you understand that the mind is wired to be optimistic, it becomes much easier to be positive in general. Think about it: In the face of hardship, what do we do? We keep going. So when you are self-talking (which is most of the time) remember to be gentle with yourself, and stay positive.
Here are five tools that will help you reconnect with your inner genius.
But please remember, I can give you a saw, a screwdriver, and a hammer, but they will not make you a carpenter. In order for you to become a carpenter, you have to use the tools. You have to take responsibility for your life, because if you don’t, somebody else will.
1. Remember to breathe.
If you consciously remember to breathe a few times throughout the day, you will be commanding your mind to relax. And a relaxed mind is an open mind. It will also develop your discipline, which leads to even more self-mastery.
2. Watch for self-criticism.
If you simply begin to watch your own self-talk, you’ll begin to recognize that self-critical voice when it kicks in. Change your self-talk and you’ll be on a fast track to a more positive and empowered RELATIONSHIP
with yourself and the world around you.
3. Start your day right.
Begin every day by saying to yourself, “Every day, in every single way, I am feeling happier, more confident, more positive, and more worthwhile in the world.” Saying this simple statement every morning will begin to create a set of pathways in your mind that will begin to manifest that statement and bring it into your life.
4. Speak in positives.
Remember that your unconscious mind does not process negatives, so when you’re speaking to it, always speak in positives. For example, avoid saying “I am not self-critical anymore.” Your mind will delete the “not” and process the rest, giving you more of what you don’t want. Instead, state the positive. For example, “I am more self-accepting than ever before!”
5. Embrace the new!
Opening up to new ideas, learning, experiences, and understanding is very empowering. It also opens you to abundance. Welcome new learning and your mind will love you for it!
Read also: Mastering your mind - Part 1
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