Image result for echo chamber

As I awoke this morning, this Scripture came
"The Voice of him that cries in the wilderness,
Saying, prepare the way of the Lord..." Isaiah 40:3
The above Scripture is the mission statement of a
man by the name John the Baptist.
Who came 6 months before Jesus Christ the saviour
of the world.
John was a voice and not an echo...
You are destined to be a generational voice never a
pitiable echo.

Dear friend, it's amazing but pathetic to know today
that many are mere echoes,
it's very rare to come across a voice again...
Many in the attempt of imitation has ended up
sabotaging their originality.
Imitation is limitation...
They have been confined to a zone in life called the
echo chamber.
Dear friend, I have
chosen to greet you with these thoughts of mine.
That you must depart from the echo chamber
where you have been living for some time.
Are there childhood dreams you have nursed in
your heart but you have allowed to gather dust?
Many have forsaken their lofty dreams because of
salaries from their job.
The jobs have turned out to snatch their uncut
diamonds from them only to hand them candies...
They work from Monday to Friday at a job they
dislike but because they must pay bills they have to
However, their personal legends keep dissipating
from their hearts daily as they sit at the echo
The people that ever made a dent on the universe
were and are not in the echo chamber...
They were voices in their generations.
It's so easy to remain in the echo chamber and help
others achieve their dreams and place ours on the
But posterity will ask us why we denied the world of
the bestselling books we could have authored.
The scintillating Musical albums we could have
produced. The outstanding leadership we could
have provided.
It's time to depart from the echo chamber and
become a distinct voice in your generation.
What would this world miss if you didn't show up?
If your pregnancy was terminated what would
humanity have lost?
Ever thought on the consequences of your absence
on the stage of life and destiny?
It's time to reach back to the recess of your heart
and pick up those age long dreams and projects
For it's time to leave the echo chamber and be
counted amongst those who showed up in life.
Have a pleasant day ahead.
Yours in flight,
