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The Holy Spirit will be your teacher and will bring to your minds all that I have said to you. (John 14:26 Phillips)

God speaks through ideas from the Holy Spirit. He gives you thoughts. He gives you suggestions. He puts impressions or notions in your mind. When the devil talks to you, that is temptation. But when God talks to you in your mind, we call that inspiration.

If the Holy Spirit brings Gods truth to mind, that means theres got to be something in there to bring out. Thats why you need to get into the Bible. When you read, study, and fill your mind with Gods Word, you are storing the truth in your mind, and then the Holy Spirit can bring it to mind at just the right time.

Sometimes you may read the Bible and say, I didnt get anything out of it today. You dont have to get something out of the Bible every time you read it. What youre doing is storing the truth in your mind. Your minds filled with everything else youve seen every billboard, every commercial, every bad joke, every movie. Its all in there. You need to balance it with the truth. Then the Holy Spirit can bring Gods truth to mind and show you the way you should go.

What are some of the ways God speaks to you through the Holy Spirit? Have you ever sensed his direction through a dream or vision?

How does your current quiet time habit help you bank Gods truth in your mind or keep you from it?

Why do you think people are afraid of the Holy Spirit? Do you want to hear from God in this way? Why or why not?
(What's your take?)

 Scared of the Holy Spirit?

Many Christians are scared of any experience with the Holy Spirit because they don't want counterfeit experiences. Many of them thus decide to keep a safe distance from the gifts of the Spirit rather than get into dangerous situations. They are right in wanting to have it safe, but very much wrong in missing out on the genuine.

The Holy Spirit is the Comforter and Helper whom the Father has sent us after Jesus went up to heaven after His resurrection (Jn.14:16). The Holy Spirit helps us to repent (Jn.16:8) and to pray (Ro.8:26), reminds us about the things Jesus has taught us (Jn.14:26), makes Jesus more and more attractive to us (Jn.16:14), gives us power to be witnesses for Jesus (Ac.1:8), transforms us into the character of Jesus (2Co.3:18), gives us gifts to serve and bless the others with (1Co.12:7), guides us in the way we should go (Ro.8:14), comforts us (Ac.9:31), etc. What a great loss for us if we miss Him! However can we live a proper Christian life without Him!

Yet it is true that there are many counterfeit experiences that we need to avoid. We are not to believe every manifestation that looks like coming from the Holy Spirit (1Jn.4:1). Not everything that is supernatural is from God, because the devil also has some such powers. The devil even pretends to be coming from God in order to fool us (2Co.11:14). We need to look at the the end result to see if something is from God (Mt.7:20).

 The Effect Of The HolySpirit    

The Holy Spirit has the practical task of making us take the necessary steps in our lives. We are saved, blessed and healed, so that we may go out and save, bless and heal others.''Father, thank You for having Your Holy Spirit living amongst us. Please set your Spirit free in our midst, and inspire us all!'' 

The Holy Spirit has a really incredible function. Where would we Christians be without the Holy Spirit? He is our Comforter, Teacher, Professor, and the best ever Evangelist. He's convincing! At times I simply come short with my own words, but when I ask the Holy Spirit to help, I realize that He's the most powerful Evangelist on the face of the earth. Selah!
How Has the HolySpirit being a blessing to you, Share your experiences and contributions  via the comments field
(Credit: Ogegod)

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