The term refers to a process where we imagine how other people see us. OR an EMPLOYEE'S own judgment about the quality of their work, or the process of judging your own work. In self appraisal, the following is needful:


·         Personal Growth:  what have I Learned today that will help me grow? How can I apply it to my life? When should I apply it?
·         Adding Value: To whom did I add value today? How do I know I added value to that person? Can I follow up and compound the positive benefit he or she received?
·         Teamwork: What did I do with someone else that made both of us better? Would the other person agree that it was a win/win? Can we do something else together to continue our mutual success?
·         Leadership: Did I lead by example today? Did I lift my people and organization to a higher level? What did I do and how did I do it?
·         Physical Health: Did I exercise at my optimal heart rate for thirty-five minutes today? Have I exercised at least five times in the last seven days? Did I stay on  my low-fat diet today?
·         Personal Health: Did I represent God well today? Did I practice the golden rule? Have I “walked the second mile” with someone?


·         Marriage and Family: Did I communicate love to my wife or husband? The children, house help etc today? How did I show that love? Did they feel it? Did they return it?
·         Friends: have I been a good friend this week? To whom? What did I do? Is there something else I need to do? Is there another friend who needs me?
·         Inner circle: Have I spent enough time with my key players? What can I do to help them be more successful? In what areas can I mentor them?
·         God: have I spent time with God? What is he teaching me now? Am I learning? Am I obeying?  Have I continually talked with him today?


·         Discoveries: what did I encounter today to which I need to give more thinking time? Are there lessons to be learned? Are there things to be done?
·         Memories: Did I create a good memory for someone today? Was it because of a comment, an action, or a shared experience?
·         Difficulties: what went wrong? Could I have changed it? What do I need to do differently next time?
·         Successes: What went right? Did I create it? Is there a principle I can learn from the experience?
·         People: whom did I meet? what were my impressions?

·         Conclusions: Have I closed my day appropriately? Have I expressed gratitude? Have I learned something, loved someone? Have I enjoyed and lived the day to the fullest?(Culled: John C. Maxwell)