Thoughts To Ponder On Roles Of Sex In Marriage

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Have we ever sat down to ask why so many people fool around outside their respective ‘happily married home’? Why are thousands of marriages breaking up every day? Why do families split, destroying children’s emotional lives, and traumatizing the broken partners? 

Com'on, it is not just our celebrities, it happens everyday and everywhere. If you doubt me, visit any customary or magistrate court close to YOUR home and bring me back the reports of how many divorce cases they sort in a year. 

Believe me when I argue that most of these marital crisis stem from incomplete sex lives.

Most women have never experienced deeply dissatisfied sexually in their marital homes by husbands. Thus, they keep scouting around for the “Mr. Right” that will make them feel like a real woman; inwardly.

And our men who are randy and unfaithful might be doing it because they sense their wives are not deeply in love with them. And all men like all women are all searching for that deep emotional love. 

But meanwhile, deep love comes when two partners are united heart to heart, soul-to-soul and body-to-body. I have heard lots of people say that sex isn’t everything and that it is overstated in relationships.

We all know that compatibility and companionship really counts, but sex is very important and necessary for a happy marriage or relationship. No marriage can be happy or fulfilled without ‘SEX’.

As far as ‘Rita Okoye’ is concerned, being married and living together without sexual fulfillment is like cooking a scrupulous and sumptuous dinner full of assorted delicacies, you can look at it, touch it, smell its aroma, then go as far as tasting it, but you can’t sit down to savour the good meal. 

You can be married and compatible and also do lots of things together but without satisfying sex, YOUR union can’t be seen to be a complete and happy one. Any man or woman who says otherwise obviously has problems with his or her sex live.

One other essential part of marriage or relationship is ‘companionship’. Having things in common makes you so compatible and bonded to each other. Playing together, seeing movies, picnicking and what have you, are all parts of what makes marriage fun and exciting but sex is one of the strongest and most important feelings we have in life; physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Underestimating SEX is a very foolish and dangerous thing to do. Because that might make you BECOME so unhappy and bored for ages.

Sex is the closest two people could get-physically. Anyways, we literally can’t stay any closer than that. But there’s a bond formed mentally and emotionally. At that point when sexual pleasure is the ultimate ecstasy joy for both partners.

I believe God gave us our sex organs so that we will be bonded to each other in pleasure forever in marital bliss. Sex was also introduced to us for procreation but if it was just for it, then sexual feelings would seize when a woman is barren and a man impotent.

If a man and a woman are sexually bonded in marriage and also satisfy each other perfectly, there would be no need to be adulterous or unfaithful to each other. 

When they are in love with each other and share the joy of ecstasy, then why gallivant.

Some women who have never been deeply in love with a man don’t understand that sexual surrender is what they need to keep their relationship going. Both parties need it. Believe it or not, it is what makes a successful marriage.

Want my opinion; I believe so deeply in sex; sex, love and commitment. But be warned, casual sex could be very dangerous. I don’t mean the deadly disease which is BECOMING the order of the day. But the emotional batteries that can ‘scar’ you for life, especially the women that go from one man to another without any emotional feelings attached or lots of emotional feelings that are not reciprocated.

What we all should be looking out for, is what makes us happy and whom we are compatible with; that one person who shares our likes and dislikes.

Caring is loving, loving is caring When you focus YOUR love and attention on anything, it will thrive, be it your spouse, your kids, your parents, your employees, your boss, your pals, your animals, your plants-attention is like warming rays of sunshine.

And don’t forget yourself. If you don’t pay attention to yourself, you really can’t pay attention to anyone else. If you don’t eat right, you won’t feel right, and how can you be loving and kind to anyone else if you’re tense, anxious, depressed, or have pains in your stomach?

So paying attention STARTS with yourself, then it spreads to your spouse, kids, parents and friends, it never ends.

If you truly ready to pay attention; real attention, listen and respond with care, the rewards are far greater than you might imagine.

The few people I know who have happy relationships all pay attention instead of alimony. They have learned that the greatest joy in the whole world is to be deeply loved, cared for and pleasured sexually by your mate. This is truly the joy of marriage and the joy of marriage is truly the real joy of life.

Whats your take on this, share your thoughts!