Pastor E.A Adeboye once stated that the secret of his is success as thus,”if I want certain thing, if I want to reach certain goal, I love to study those who have reached that goals before me, what made them successful.”

This is the major key to  the success of many successful people. There is no new thing under heaven. Everything is a pattern of something else. There are people who have been where you are going, follow in their footsteps and you will get to where they have been.

By Studying and reading books about successful people you wish to emulate, you will literally cut years off your learning curve, and what has taken successful people years to achieve, you will discover and learn in few hours and thus get to your destination faster.

Therefore, learning from experts is undoubtedly a relevant key in the school of success. Copy the best in your field, do all legitimate things they do and you will get the same result as theirs. Remember success leaves clues.

See you at the Top!

Yours' Inspirationally,