(Ps. 91:16,Joshua 14:11,Deut 34:7)
 All the men that walked well with God lived Long. God’s purpose is for us to live long; but we have responsibility in this regard.

A stroke occurs every 40 seconds. 17million people die of heart attack every year. 50/60 million people die every year universally meaning the stroke takes more than one quarter of this percentage.

1.   Stress: physical or Financial
2.   Obesity: Particularly around the waist. Men more than 40inches in waist and women more than 35inches is at a risk
3.   Cholesterol foods/saturated fats: e.g puffpuff
4.   Diabetis
5.   Existing hypertension
6.   Smoking/Alcoholism
·         Blood vessel supplying to the brain clogged up leads to stroke, WHILE the one Supplying to the heart clogged up due to Cholesterol leads to heart attack.
·         The clogging up, entirely blocks up blood vessel suddenly, leading to stroke/heart attack which may lead to death.

1.   Watch what you eat or drink: Note the following:
·         The Processes of Garri has stripped it of its nutrient. Amala, Semolina, Plantain Flour are better.
·         Polished rice are exported from Asia and they themselves don’t eat it
·         ‘Agege Bread’: the grain used for bread  has been stripped of bran and the wheat(which is what we need essentially) cos it makes the bread coax; they now add peroxide, bromate chlorine etc to preserve it. Same process for puff puff etc.
·         Eat wheat bread instead. You can train your body or taste bud to like it.
·         PROTEIN: best form of protein to take is plant protein. Cow meat takes one week to digest especially the inside e.g intestine.
·         Eat animal protein like Chicken but de-skin it and also plenty beans
·         Eat all your food between 10am-8pm
·         10am-8pm- metabolism phase
·         8pm-4am- Rejuvenation phase(Repair phase)
·         4am-10am- Elimination phase (Defecating period)
·         Kidneys breakdown and livers are destroyed when you don’t eat well
·         Light food can be taken before 10am
·         Reduce salt intake cos  it triggers hypertension. It happens because liver is supposed to push away salt. This is why hypertension is common with blacks because they like lots of salt.
·         Reduce Sugar: it finds it difficult to excrete itself. It must attach itself to vitamins and antioxidants that are necessary before it can be excreted. It also predisposes one to Hypertension.
·         Water is the best drink for human. 75% of the brain and muscle is water.
·         Cocacola etc dehydrates you fastly cos it pushes you to go and urinate quickly.
·         Water flushes all the toxins in the body
2.   Make out time to Exercise:
·         Jesus walked 192km, a distance from like Lagos to Ife
·         Exercise causes the heart to beat faster
·         It causes your blood vessel to be lighter reducing cholesterol
·         It helps detoxification
·         Reduces risk of cancer
·         It helps to reduce diabetis, cos your body use up sugar during exercise
·         It helps to enhance your look
·         It helps the bone especially women
3.   Eliminate stress: Stress is a state of the inability to relax the body. E.g work pressure, financial worries, Family conflicts, social commitment, Daily grind of traffic jams, watching football.

IN THE STRESS CONDITION: Adrenaline and curtiso is released by the body to put it in flight/flight mood. So if the above is only released for instance during traffic jam instead of during exercise, it affects you by destroying your body.

·         Relax with Friends and Family
·         Find time to sleep
·         An adult should sleep 6-8hours in a day
·         Avoid overly stressful deadline. E.g Bankers and Targets
·         Exercise more to burn stress hormones
·         Take nutritional supplement
4.   Regular Medical Check up: Blood sugar, Blood pressure etc are vital test you need to do periodically
5.   Take Supplement daily eg Aloe vera Gel, garlic, Omega 3 etc


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