ALPHABET FOR ACTION (...a must read)


In difficult times, people too often lose the ability to face the future optimistically. They begin to think about their tomorrows negatively.

They forget that no problems last forever. They concentrate on today’s negative situation rather than on the opportunities of tomorrow, thereby loosing the potential of today and also throw away tomorrow’s beauty.

It doesn’t matter how young or how old you are, if you want your life to thrive you must have the courage to step into tomorrow

Please note that whatever words you choose is able to change your mood for better or worse. Positive words inspire positive emotions like humor, courage, faith, optimism, confidence WHEREAS Negative words stimulate negative emotions like Fear, suspicion, distress, anger, doubt, depression, sadness, worry, jealousy etc.

Whatever alphabet  that proceeds out of your mouth henceforth should be a positive one. I have put out this thought line to help you. Think upon this things……

·         A- Affirm: Affirm that you can do it. You can find a job. You can change careers. You can learn to walk again. You can recover from that illness. You can live a debt free life. You can even live above sin. You must affirm this in your mind, agree with it, run with it before you can see its reality.

·         B- Believe: Believe that somehow, sometime, somewhere, through someone’s help, you can achieve your heart’s highest goal.

·         C- Commit: Commit yourself to a dream. When you are inspired with a dream, God has hit the ball into your court. Now you have to hit it back with a commitment. Most people fail here on letter C, because with every commitment, comes the risk of failure.

  D- Dare: Dare to love. Dare to make a commitment. Dare to take a risk. If you don’t dare to take risk, you’ll never get ahead. You may never solve your problems. To try is to risk failure. To live is to risk dying. To love is to risk not being loved in return. Those who risk nothing do nothing and gets nothing, they may avoid sorrow and suffering, but they cannot learn, grow, change and live.

·         E- Educate: Educate yourself. Don’t be tempted, as many are, to take shortcuts, to avoid the hard years of serious study. The process may be tedious, eventually it would be worth it.

·         F- Find: Find the talent, the possibilities, the time, the money, and the way. A great bible verse says,”It is the glory of God to conceal a matter”(Prov. 25:2). God does not lay it all out in the open because its much more exciting and meaningful when you have hunted for it and found or discovered it. Remember diamonds are deep in the earth, pearls are concealed in Oysters, So also your talents dwell deep within you and you must have to find it.

·         G- Give: A giving attitude is the secret to successful living. If you work in a company, your aim should be to make that company better, it is your contribution that gets you notice for recommendation. It is also more blessed to give than to receive. There are so many poor that should benefit from you. Don’t hold back

·         H- Hope: Hope is holding on, praying expectantly. It’s never giving up. It’s never quitting. Always note that No situation lasts forever, when your hope dies, your miracle or testimony is aborted. Hope the bible say ‘maketh not ashamed’

·         I- Imagine: Possibility thinking is in actuality the exercise of dynamic, creative, sanctified imagination. Imagine Solutions to your problem, imagine yourself scaling new heights, imagine yourself crossing the finished line.

·         J-Junk: Junk the negative food of your mind. To keep hope alive and to be a creative imaginer, you have to junk food or throw away the negative food we feed our mind, like what is happening to me? he should have been laid off instead of me etc

    K- Knock: Knock out depression, discouragement, glooms and dooms, negative report from the doctors etc. You may not be able to control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you will react.

·         L- Laugh: You must keep a sense of humor and be able to laugh at yourself. Someone that can’t laugh may be incapable of loving. Laugh helps to prolong life and enhance your health. Don’t keep the whole problem of the world on your head, find time to laugh it off
(     (Excerpted: Robert Schuller)

     To be continued…..
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