Your Ministry and Your Career: The Altercations.

Your Ministry and Your Career: The Altercations. . 

Matthew worked for the Roman Internal
Revenue Service
Luke was a physician.
Paul was a lawyer
Peter was in the fishing industry
Priscilla and Aquila were in the hospitality business. 
These were their chosen careers, not their ministries. 

Sola sorinolu, succinctly quipped,  'It is erroneous to equate ministry with one's chosen career. You choose your career. You are chosen for the ministry. Your career is defined by your profession for which you are trained. Training may be necessary for ministry, but it does not equal ministry. 

Ministry is received in Christ and in Christ alone. Hence, Paul admonition to Archippus: "...Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfil it" Col.4:17. 
So what is your ministry? 

Your ministry is what you are involved in that engenders the teaching and preaching of the Gospel. It leads to salvation for the unsaved. Your ministry is that which brings spiritual growth and maturity to the saved. And every Christian has a ministry! Pursue your career. But ensure that you do all to fulfil your ministry. 

Your ultimate fulfilment will be based on how faithful you have been to your ministry. And not on whether you succeed at your career!'


Yours inspirationally, 