5 Character Traits That aids Success Attainment

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The great thing is that all success is learnable. You can learn any character traits to make yourself a more successful person.
There are many ways that you can become successful and many different meanings of the word success. Here are five important, character traits that one must learn to develop to achieve success and a better life.

1) Common Sense

The first and most important of the personal qualities needed for success is, common sense. It is said that the average person has an enormous amount of common sense because he or she hasn’t used any of it yet.
Common sense seems to be something that a person accumulates as the result of experience over a long period of time.
Common sense is defined as the, “Ability to cut to the core of a matter, to recognize and deal with the essential elements of a problem or a situation, rather than getting sidetracked by smaller issues or symptoms.”
Another definition of common sense is, “The ability to learn from experience and then to apply those lessons to subsequent experiences.”
Common sense was seen as the core of all personal qualities that enabled a person to become increasingly more effective over time.

2) Be Good at What You Do

The second of all the personal qualities needed for success is that of expertise. Most successful people are very good at what they do and they know they are very good.
They have learned, practiced, reflected, and have gotten better and better until they are recognized by their peers as being among the very best in their fields.
This feeling of being the best is an absolute prerequisite for achieving a better life and it starts with great self-confidence.

3) Self-Reliance

Men and women who are respected by others tend to look primarily towards themselves for the answers to their questions and for the solutions to their problems. They are highly self-responsible.
They do not blame others or make excuses when things go wrong. They regard themselves as the primary creative forces in their own lives.
They volunteer for tough assignments, and they are willing to take charge when something needs to be done.

4) Intelligence Is More Than IQ

Intelligence seems to be a key requirement for success in any field. However, intelligence is not necessarily measured in terms of IQ.
Many of the most notable men and women alive today did poorly in school. They got low grades or no grades, and many of them had not completed university or even high school. Do not let something such as IQ hold you back. There is nothing that you can’t learn with knowledge.

5) Become Results-Oriented

This means that you know that you are capable of getting the results for which you are responsible. All highly respected men and women are recognized as being the kind of people who can get the job done, whatever it is. They are invariably decisive, result oriented people.
They are highly results-oriented because they have a bias for action and a sense of urgency. They have trained themselves to be extremely capable of doing whatever is required. Bigger and better jobs and responsibilities seem to flow to them. The world tends to step aside and make way for the person who knows what he or she is doing and knows where he or she is going.

For a Better Life, Get in Tune With Your Best Positive Character Traits

One of the most intelligent things that you can do is to get better at the most important things you do to get the results that determine your success. The better your results, the higher the chances are of you achieving a better life for yourself. By becoming intensely results-oriented, you will secure a better life for yourself.

Do you consider yourself results-oriented or a person who has common sense? Please share any comments below!                                                                  -(Credit: Brian Tracy)