New Heights | By Olayinka Ekundayo

TEXTS: Psalms 84:7, 
Philippians 3:13-14
“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil.3:14
“A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, and he casteth down the strength of the confidence thereof.” Proverbs 21:22

 I welcome you to the month of September 2016-our month of shining by the word of God. This month, the light of God shall beam upon your life and destiny afresh in the name of Jesus Christ.
One major function of the light of God’s Word is to guarantee our new heights in life. New heights ride on new lights from God’s Word.
However, it should be noted that the Creator has given us life equally. We all have 24 hours per day; none of us can add an extra to his own. Life comes to us all in measures of time; what we do with time determines our ultimate outcome in life.

Man is a responsible being!
He determines the extent to which his destiny will matter; he determines the breadth, length and height of his life.
In summary, everyone of us is responsible for the overall quality of life we now live.
If anything must change around us, we have to change first of all.
Things change when you and I change!

1. New heights are necessary to prevent stagnation in life.
When we stay too long on the same height and level for too long, we are said to be stagnated.
2. New heights assist better visibility
Who and what you see is a function of your height in life. A dwarf is limited in his visibility as a result of his height compared to a giant.
Who sees you also is a function of where you are positioned in life.
Many talented fellows end up frustrated as a result of wrong positioning of their old heights.
Your height up till now has been responsible for whom and what has seen you so far, those can change when your heights change!

3. New heights assist new possibilities
Most times in life, where you are positioned determines what is possible or not for you. It’s all a function of heights.
At the height the eagle is flying there are certain possibilities that are never imagined by a chicken that is stranded on the ground. The difference is in the heights!

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18
New heights in life answer to new dreams. There are really no limits in life; the only limit is the limit of your dreams. You are not permitted to possess beyond what you have seen in the womb of your mind.
What has not crossed your mind can never cross your life not even by mistake. It is what you see coming that eventually comes to you.
The height you visualize yourself in today is where you will occupy tomorrow.
The whole universe is under obligation to deliver what you demand of it through your visualization.
“A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increases strength.” “Through wisdom is a house built, and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”  Proverbs 24:5,3-4
Nothing constructs a destiny like the quality of the information at its disposal per time.
The inflow of the right information is what constructs a life into an admirable edifice.
What a man reads or listens to goes a long way to determine his new height per time.
You remain stunted in the absence of the right information.
A person with an informed mind is the person who is ready for new heights.  In all you do, endeavor not to carry a stale mind. An uninformed mind makes you a liability in life.
This information includes first of all, the knowledge of the Scriptures, then the relevant knowledge of your academics as a teenager. New heights ride on new insights.
New heights ride on new set of habits. Your habitat (where you find yourself in life) is a function of your set of habits.
Your habit is a set of actions that you keep doing repeatedly until they become your second nature.
Habits begin like a strand of thread and later turn out to be strong cables that bind us irrevocably.
English poet-John Dryden once wrote: “We first make our habits then our habits make us.”
d. NEW COMPANY Prov. 13:20
The people that surround you determine what you can survive in life. The person that backs you in life determines who or what you can dare in your life’s journey.
The company you keep in life is what determines what will accompany you in life. To change what accompanies you in your academics, the level of the result you command, the height you rise to, you definitely must look into the company you keep. Your friends determine your end. Your height is limited by your choice of fiends per time.
e. NEW COMMITMENT Prov. 22:29
New heights are waiting for your new commitments. In order to enjoy the good things of life, the pleasure, the precious valuables of life, you must step up your commitment level. To increase your pleasure in life, you must first of all embrace higher levels of commitments in discipline and diligence.
Diligence gets you started while discipline keeps you going!
Life will only give to you the good things you have earned through your new commitments.
Our heights differ because our commitments differ.
You will succeed this month…
AUTHOR BIO: He is a Pastor, a Motivational Speaker, Leadership and career Coach, He holds a monthly Knowledge Impactation Programme for the Youth and Teens at the Conquerors Assembly, Akowonjo. Lagos. Connect with him by clicking on Facebook or email