The Wonders of His Resurrection

Whilst His death on the cross was the greatest show of love, 
His resurrection from the grave was the greatest display of the ultimate power! 
He was led as a sheep to the slaughter but he arose as a lion from the 
regions of death. 
He went to the cross with a bruised and buffeted body but arose with a 
new body; no pains, no bruises! 
Being the first mortal to ever achieve such an epic feat, he got a 
name-the firstborn amongst the dead! 
Up until that time no mortal ever rose from the grave triumphantly and 
lived forever. 

Think about, those that were miraculously raised from the dead by the 
ministries of the Prophets- Elijah and Elisha 
eventually died again after they had lived their days on this earth. 
Even Lazarus whom Jesus the Lord raised still died after all. 
But he lives forevermore! Hallelujah, Praise God! 
The empty grave was a proof He arose, 
The forces of grave and hell once jubilating couldn't hold him bound. 
They were all stripped ofntheir vicious powers, left with nothing but 
fear and deception. 
The One who is called The Resurrection and the Life rose to raise us 
up with Him in glory. 

Herein lies the mystery of His resurrection, He did it on our behalf! 
That we may gain ascendancy over the powers of hell and death thereby 
living with Him forever. 
When He arose triumphantly from the underworld, You and I were raised 
with Him victorious over sin and sickness. 
Redeemed from every curse of the law, settled to live the resurrection 
life again-the power of an endless life! 
However, ignorance has always been the bane of the modern man. 
His lack of awareness of who he is in Christ, what His death, burial, 
resurrection and Ascension had purchased for him... 
The day you become aware of this mystery and you start appropriating 
it...your liberty begins! 
For we are complete in Him who is the head of all principalities and powers! 

It's time to manifest the Resurrection power! Christ swallowed death 
in victory for you. 

Happy Easter celebration. 