#TheExperience10: Safety Tips While Attending this Year Musical Concert, 'The Experience.'


As we anticipate Africa’s biggest Gospel Concert The Experience, where over 700,000 people will come together from 7:00pm till 6am on fri. Dec. 4th 2015; for 11hours of uninterrupted live music and prayers at the Tafawa Balewa Square Lagos, it becomes important to take measures to ensure that nothing ruins the atmosphere of worship for you.
While maximum security is guaranteed, here are also some useful tips for extra protection of yourself and belongings at the event.
Travel Light: To avoid having your hands too full beyond your control, it is advised you leave items you do not absolutely need at home.
Park vehicles in designated park locations: There are designated areas protected by security officials where vehicles can be parked. Do not park your vehicles in non-designated areas to avoid vandalisation of your vehicle.
Remove valuables from your pocket: Because you would constantly be in close proximity of thousands of people during the event, it is advisable to remove valuables like wallets and phones from your pocket to prevent them from being stolen.
Do not stray to lonely areas: Make sure at all times you are in close proximity of the venue. Do not stray off especially not to lonely areas.
Do not leave your belongings on seats: Do not leave your belongings behind when you have to leave your seat. Take them with you to avoid theft.
Dress Appropriately: Dress appropriately to avoid drawing too much attention you yourself. You do not want unnecessary attention of even mosquitos.
Report suspicious individuals to security personnel: Be sure to report suspicious individuals and movements to the nearest security personnel around you.
With these few tips, you can be sure of an amazing time in God’s presence as we worship one God with one voice at The Experience 10.
Courtesy: The ExperienceLagos