Every man is the architect of his own life...
We choose the bricks to be used in each part of the
Some we choose
consciously while others are chosen unconsciously.
In every garden, three components stand out, they are...
1. The soil
2. The seed sown
3. The Plants which represent the final outcome.
No gardener ever jokes with any of these three components.
All truths are parallel,
Man is a gardener, he is
constantly cultivating the garden of his life.
It may interest you to know that the seed you sow is your
The soil on which you plant these seeds is your Subconscious
mind-the seat of your infinite intelligence and capacities.
The seeds after being sown take on a life of its own,
undergo incubation period and sprouts up for all eyes to see...
The Plants that
result represent your reality today which is but the effect of the
causal seeds sown in the past.
Just like in the physical, every gardener can decide
whatever grows in the garden,
because when the gardener refuses to take charge unwanted
plants called weeds take over...
Through the Conscious mind governed by your 5 senses, you
impress thoughts, ideas and beliefs on the Subconscious mind that (the soil)
The Subconscious mind only takes commands in forms of
Repetition, affirmations or declarations
and visualisations from the Conscious mind.
Like the soil, it doesn't descriminate against good or bad
seeds...it quietly accepts and goes to work!
The law of incubation goes to work and the seed begins to
push its way through the soil...giving rising to manifestation of results.
Our lives reveal the sum total of the quality of our
thoughts, ideas, beliefs and paradigms over the years...
Whatever it is you see around you today, you created or attracted
it via the above process, whether consciously or unconsciously.
The good news is you and I can alter our lives by taking
heed to the quality of seeds we impress on a consistent basis on our
subconscious mind.
Failure like success begins from the inside...
For as a man or woman thinks perpetually so he or she
becomes eventually...
It's a law!
It's time to rebuild, it's time to take your power back from
the external circumstances you have been blaming for your current level.
You are a co-creator with God...
You are constantly building and cultivating...
Wouldn't you make your life a masterpiece then?
Yours in flight,
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