5 Super Methods to get Noticed by any Employer you Wish to Work For

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A Leading Job site in Nigeria, NgCareers, once remarked that, that the job market is overcrowded is an obvious statement. A lot of people, whether looking for their first job or looking to get a better one than their present job, are on the look out for opportunities.
And the worst part?
Everyone is looking to get hired by the big, established firms in their industry. And the problem is too many people are looking to get the attention of the recruiters for these big firms. Even the not so big but ok companies also do look a lot of consideration from anyone looking to get hired. As long as the pay is good or the organisation is known for a good work culture and working condition.
So in brief – The competition is stiff!

How Do You Get Ahead of All the Noise and Get Noticed by the HR Managers of Your Target Companies?

We’ll walk through practical steps you can take to stand up, get noticed and get hired.

Get Your Acts Together

You have to be deliberate; like an army general going to war you should plan and leave very little to chance. It starts with becoming coordinated in terms of what you want to achieve. What sort of work do you want to be considered for in the company/organisation? How Much do you know about the organisation?
You basically should start your homework. The more you know about the task at hand the better your chances of winning.

Start to Create the Right Presence and Pool of Information About You

While a lot of people will send in CVs and drop unsolicited application letters you should tow a different, not so obvious path. This starts with building the right sort of image you envision for yourself. List all your social media profiles and start a through professional makeover (or surgery if you like). It’s of no use if you succeed in getting the attention of the right HR executives and one look at your web and social profiles sends the door shutting against you.
Starting from your career profiles to your social media handles draw up an articulate summary of who you are, the skills you have, the work achievements you have made and your passion for the types of job you are interested in.
To show you are a valuable resource and talent in your discipline you will need to start getting visible, publishing well researched insights at the right places. Using all social tools at your disposal (including blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Online Communities and Forums etc) you can start engaging with others in similar line of interest. You do not even need to have a blog; as occassionally you can get your opinions published in respectable blogs if they are good enough.

Make a List of Important and Relevant Persons in the Organisation (easier if it is a small or medium organisation)

Remember we said this is a deliberate action. This means you do all you can to place yourself in a better situation to win. You plan carefully and execute methodically.
Now you are done with cleaning up your image on the web to present a professional look you move on to finding out who you need to attract to your profile. Every company has people responsible for finding new potential hires. With the tools at your disposal you can start looking for the persons who have a say in recruiting new hires. This involves recruiters as well since many big firms outsource their recruitment to agencies and consulting firms.

Start Connecting Smartly

It is one thing to have the information on the right Managers, CEOs, HR Executives of your target companies and it is another (much more difficult thing) to connect smartly with them and get their attention without appearing like a nuisance.
Start by connecting from the point of a) giving value and b) stimulating thought
When you try to see things from the perspective of the person whose attention you are hoping to get you begin to come up with ideas and information that will get them to pause and look you up and possibly reach out. Things like politely asking them to check out an insightful blog post you wrote or pointing out an interesting link to something you read and know will be of value/interest to them etc will give you a better chance than outright sending them a message asking to be employed.

Dig Deep; Find out Ways to Help the Organisation Meet and Surpass Their Goals

If you are ever able to do this and convey your ideas to the right people in that organisation while still not appearing to ask them to employ you most likely they will approach you. The key lies in utilising your skills and knowledge to look into ways to provide more value to an organisation. And then convey these to the right persons in the organisation free of charge without making any request.
In otherwords; engage, provide value and never ask for anything in return.
And watch the magic happen!