At the Border!

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"We were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and
so we were in their sight."
Numbers 13:33

The above statement was the report of some Israeli
leaders who were sent to spy the promised
land after their servitude in Egypt for 430 years.
This incidence took place when they got to the
border of the land they were to inherit later on,
a land flowing with milk and honey! It was a land of
limitless potentials.

Before now, they all had a dream of entering and
possessing their promised land.
But life had a shocker for them, it was a test of their
Like these 10 spies, you and I will have to come
face to face with our own border.
A place where our faith in the possibility of our
dreams will be tested thoroughly.
The border reveals the potency of your belief in the
reality of your dreams,
The border talks of your proximity to a new zone, a
new realm of experience.
Geographically, a border is a dividing line between
two cities, towns or nations.
Realistically, it shows we are about to step in to a
new season or realm.

However, the drama at the border is interesting.
It's where you face the toughest challenge of your
life so far, as you are about crossing over.
Ever wondered why it is darkest almost at the
It's because a new day is about to break!
Dr. Mike Murdock was right when he noted that '
circumstances surround the birth of a miracle.'
It's just designed that to separate the wishers from
the achievers.
Are you at your own border today? Don't despair,
never give up!
Remember, a new day is about to dawn for you.
German philosopher Wolf Gang Van Goethe once
remarked...'that which does not kill you will make
you stronger. '

Don't turn back back at your border when the awful
drama plays out like the 10 spies.
Be like the other 2 spies who refused to be
anonymous: Joshua and Caleb!
Your dream is worth pursuing, your vision is what
the sacrifice of persistence, you can't afford to be

The words of Harriet Beecher Stowe ring in my
soul...'Never give up then, for that is just the place
and time
that the tide will turn.' Yes, this very obstacle has
not come to stay, rather it has come to pass!
Be encouraged to keep at's worth it dear friend!
Remember, with 21 days gone in this
month...anything good can still happen for you!

-Credits: Pst. Yinka Ekundayo