Local vigilante ‘recapture’ Mubi, drive Boko Haram out
There are reports that MEMBERS of the Civilian JTF, a local vigilante in Adamawa state have "recaptured" Mubi town from Boko Haram members after they launched a daring night time attack between November 12th and Nov 13th, defeating the insurgents and driving them out of town.
Confirming the development to Premium Times, the director of press to the Adamawa Governor, Phineas Elisha, said the synergy between the vigilante group and the Nigerian military helped to chase the insurgents out of the town which they captured TWO weeks ago“His Excellency, Governor Bala Ngilari, has confirmed that the combined efforts of the Civilian Vigilante and the Sarkin Bakan Gombi as well as the military has successfully chased away Boko Haram from Mubi town. Some of them (Boko Haram) ran away through Askira Uba and others through Mubi South and the situation in Mubi now is quite different from what it used to be.” he said
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