you are asked how much you are worth, what will be your response?
once visited a local store where they sell ceramics etc. a conversation ensued
between a certain young woman and the seller of a set of tea cups. The initial price
tag on it was N1000 but the young woman was desperately trying to pay the
seller N600 which she refused bluntly. After so much Haggling, surprisingly the
seller crossed the N1000 price tag written on the tea cups and inscribed a new
price of N1500 saying that the young woman had made him see the real value of
the set of tea cups.
buyer seeing what the seller just did was shocked, started complaining
bitterly, and sulked, still the seller stood his ground. At this point, I
expect the woman to walk away but she paid the seller’s new price much to my
incident taught me something: a commodity’s worth is not determined by the
estimates of an intending buyer but rather the owner of the goods.
this in real life situation we can deduce that; the way we see ourselves
determine a lot how people see us. In order words, your projected self worth
determines the deal you get out of life. If you project yourself poorly, people
will trample on you and vice versa. Never see your self as inconsequential.
Have a sense of confidence in all you do. Your dressing, physical posture, eye
contact, voice and body language should always convey confidence.
girls, your purity and chastity should cost a great deal more. For anyone to
enjoy favor from you, it should cost a lifetime of commitment. A life in which
anything goes will ultimately be a life in which nothing goes. If you don’t
stand for something, you will fall for anything. Therefore build your self
image and place a real value on yourself because as a man thinketh, so he is. See you at the Top
Yours' Inspirationally,
Yours' Inspirationally,
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