Bishop David Oyedepo was once asked, ‘sir, with all these great project, your prayer time will be heavy?’ but he replied saying, ‘because my calculations are many, my intercessions are few.’

God gave you brain so you can give him rest. God will not do for you, what you can do for yourself. Much of what we are asking God right now , he has already  packaged and deposited in form of thoughts in our brains. He then leaves one to discover them and transmute them into physical existence.

Success is a function of good sense and every gain is a product of engaged brain. Success does not demand prayer and Fasting as much as engaging your sense positively

It is impossible for you to be successful in life without the active, productive and resourceful use of the brain.

Make your brain work it will sweat, but make it work it will improve, it will develop until you become wonder to those around you.
Everything that exists in the world today is a product of man’s capacity to task his brain. Remember Geniuses is one percent inspiration and Ninety nine percent perspiration.
See you at the Top!

Yours' Inspirationally,