“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to break down, and a time to build up…”Ecclesiastes 3:1-3

There is no trend that lasts forever! Every trend disappears with changing seasons. There’s a season to everything under heaven. There’s no one that will live on the earth forever.
Knowing therefore that transition is imminent, we must place a high value on our lives and how you live your life.
1.   Life is a subset of eternity: you are an eternal being; your present life is part of the history of your eternity. Everyday your history is being written by the actions and inactions of every passing day. Your present life is not an isolation of your eternity. You need an eternal view of your life.  Jer. 1:5, Psalms 127: 3-4. By scriptural implication, you are an arrow shot from eternity into time for destiny impacts returning back to eternity to give accounts!
2.   Life is a Gift: it’s not an earning! One fact about gifts is: how you use a gift affects the giver! Life is a rare opportunity that must never be abused. Your first appearance on this planet meant the disappearance of several other millions of potential people! A gift must be valued and well utilized for the giver to be satisfied.
3.   Life is a privilege not a right: The breath in your nostrils is not your right. It’s rather an awesome privilege accorded to you by the Creator.
“I Slept and I awaked for the lord Sustaineth me. Psalm 3:5”
4.   Life  is Transient: It is always passing away…the moment in which you are reading this message now will soon be gone away forever.
Every breath is actually a step nearer and closer to the grave. James 4:14. The Legendary Methodist evangelist-John Wesley once noted: “I am up here for a moment only to fall back into eternity”
5.   Life is a responsibility: With the great opportunity called life comes this grave challenge called Responsibility. We all shall give an account of ourselves before the creator. Rom 14:12
1.   Earthly Impacts: God gave you life so that you can brighten the paths of others. A life not making impacts is a wasted life. Math 5:13-14. How many lives have you affected positively since you knew yourself?
2.   Heavenly Relevance: Life is a gift to prepare for heavenly relevance. Your time here o earth is suppose to prepare you for your eternal adventure with God. You should not get to heaven unnoticed by value of your shadow and superficial living today. Remember, the treasure you will lay in heaven is the treasure you will enter into thereafter. These treasures are the souls of men and women you touch with the love of Jesus when you are here and the impacts made in the kingdom. A wasted life is a tragedy of monumental dimensions…The tragedy of a wasted life is characterized:
a.   Eternal Failure: it will be obvious to the waster while on earth that he wasted the golden opportunity of life.
b.   Eternal Regrets: There will be surprises in heaven. Many will suddenly realize that they have lived their entire lives far below their ultimate potentials.
c.   Generational misfits: what you do today affects generations after you. When you mess up most times, the mess goes down the generations. Lamentation 5:7. It’s time for you to begin to take responsibility for the awesome opportunity called life. Receive the grace to make your life count this week. Return with testimonies.
For the word to profit you the more, give your life to Jesus, join a bible believing church or contact this blog for counselling

(Pastor H. Duro Aina teaching)